September 21, 2011

Dorm Update

Anna had a BIG birthday last month which now spreads the age range of the Dorm residents to 5 decades. Who would believe it??? None of us look a day over 49. And Clair is clearly 20 something (and making the most of it, I might add).
Speaking of which, is it a NY thing or a youth thing to go out at 11 to begin your evening? I guess in a small town where I grew up, 11 was curfew and if found walking the streets after 12 ( because everything closed by 12) Chief Merle Heffelman would pick you up, take you home in his squad car and wake your parents up to witness your shame.  Of course, back in the day, shame was nothing compared to the "Wrath of MOM".  Besides a good dose of corporal communication, the chores and punishments alone were enough to make you want to volunteer for Vietnam! How things have changed!
We are so proud of Claire! She has managed to balance an active social life with school an still win an impressive internship with the best fashion design name in the industry! Ahhhh! To be all that and young, too!
Ruby's move is almost complete, so when she moves to her dream house, we'll see where the Dorm and NY fit in .
Anna's apartment is still for sale. We both fear and anticipate every new showing. We want for her to sell and move on to what she needs ( but in the end it IS all about us. What will we do without the dorm????)...thus the fear part.
I'm moving on, as my divorce is final and I'm still friends with my ex, but beginning to more fully appreciate being an X. Our relationship had become toxic for us both.  I actually met a nice man on-line, and have been absolutely amazed at how touched I am by someone being kind and attentive. I'm still ALIVE in there! WOHOO! Who knew?!!!
So as we all anxiously await the next chapter, it is with great hopes for the future, having the solid support of great friends!
Hug a friend today!

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