December 4, 2011

"Landscaping" trends in the 21st century

It's Meredith again. I know I'm a blog hog, so please post a comment and ask for the rest of the gang to chime in.
Anyway, here I am looking at a momentous birthday coming up in a few days and pondering pretty much everything. One year ago, I thought I was reasonably happily married, and now I am ever so much MORE happily unattached. I'm dating and having a better time than I had 30 years ago, and learning how much more is possible for me (and for any of us) to have in our lives, if we just make it happen. It starts with caring enough about ourselves not to settle for too much less than we deserve.
But I digress...
So finding myself in a bit of a time warp on the dating scene, I decided to broach the subject of trends and etiquette in the dating world today with our youngest Dorm resident. Claire was more than happy to fill me in. Much of it had not changed that drastically (thank heavens!) Then I decided to delicately approach the subject of personal grooming. I had begun to sense from watching "Two and A Half Men" and other contemporary TV shows, that there had been some changes in...shall we say "landscaping".
My instincts were correct! She informed me that "shrubbery" was not only out of fashion, but that she and her friends didn't have any at all!
Wow! The last minimal bit of proper modesty, now gone! If I were to maintain the level of fashion awareness and sophistication in that arena that I try to achieve in my outward appearance, I'll be relegated to going back to looking like a 12 year old girl! And what if the older generation I hang out with are not up to speed on these trends when the big moment finally arrives?? Will they think I have cancer or something???
Choices, choices...
Convinced by Linney that there WAS a potential love life after 50 something I decided to try out a few new looks and see what felt right.
Hedge trimmers in hand, I began the task of baring what had been modestly, and comfortably shaded for 40+ years. HMMM...Easier said than done.
Well let me tell you, I went through 2 trimmers, terrified with each clip that I would remove more than I bargained for. Brazilian? Not enough. I finally got my shrubbery down to a finely manicured goatee. Nooo...That's weird. Keep snipping...Soul patch? Not me at all. So I kept at it until I reached pre-puberty once again.
There is only one problem.... everything else in the mirror was anything but pre-pubescent! OMG! What have I done???
Ok, get a grip. Lights would, of course be off (please tell me THAT hasn't changed!) so I need to just be brave and go with it. After all, it takes courage to wear a strapless dress doesn't it?  But we do it for fashion... and I was all about THAT.

Moving on, I woke up the next morning feeling like a hip young chic all the way down to my toes! Then I got out of bed and started walking to the bathroom and noticed that it felt scratchy down there was a Brillo pad in my underwear. OH NO! A bristly 5:00 shadow clinging to my VS cheeky underwear! This would never do!

Back to Claire...oh waxing! Wax..?...That? Surely you jest!
The last time I had a close bikini wax, I realized that as you get older, you skin gets less elastic, and that somehow the skin has a tendency to stay with the wax. I'm afraid it would leave scars...

Nair? Not on your life! Why did things need to be so complicated??

Eventually, I found my own style of  closely manicured shrubbery enhanced by weekly deep conditioning treatments. Just like a new born kitten! If that isn't welcoming enough, I quit!

So now that "kitty-girl" and I are completely ready for the next chapter of my new life, all I have to do is to actually join e-harmony or pray for a "Friend with benefits"! Animal lovers- a must!

Life can still be exciting when you are ready for anything!

Happy Birthday to me!

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