February 22, 2011

Doggy Dilemma

My husband is the caretaker of our 2 beautiful boxers while I work in New York.  They are more happy with that arrangement then I am.
However, Mr. G is handling an unfortunate problem that has "popped up" with our male, Mr. D.   His manliness has been showing itself lately, and seems unwilling to hide.  We have taken him to the vet on several occasions.  The vet has done research on the problem, which is fairly rare, apparently, and has come to the conclusion that as long as it goes back into hiding eventually, there is nothing to be done.  A more drastic approach involves surgery - no way!!
So when this happens, M. G has to sit with Mr. D.,  armed with KY jelly, to achieve the turtle effect  through massage.  He is worried that some neighbor will see him, misinterpret the interaction, and call the ASPCA.
So, in empathy, I ask any of you if you have any insight on this particular issue - we would love some other input.
Meanwhile, Mr. G, keep the drapes closed!

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