February 19, 2011

My Three Moms

My friends are jealous of me--and it's not because i have a hot boyfriend (which i do...), or that i'm in fashion school, or that i have 24/7 access to the best shopping/entertainment/celebrity sightings in the country.  It's because I live with Anna, Meredith, and Ruby.

When asked where I live, I excitedly inform new acquaintances of the three wonderful ladies in the dorm.  They wonder how I could have anything in common with three women older than my parents.  How could I participate in NYC nightlife?  How could I ever have guests over?  What do we talk about?  Do I have to censor my language, outfits, and music/movie choices?  I must hide in my huge room all the time.

Well, truth is, this is ideal for me.  Sure, I have some mommy issues--leaving my best friend, caregiver, and over-indulger (in all the best ways!)  back home--so maybe these three are stand-ins?  In a way.  Meredith, Anna, and Ruby cook delicious meals and generously share them with me.  They make sure I'm safe when I'm going out or coming in.  They have taken care of me when I came down with a cold.  And they teach me how to be more independent, optimistic, and--most importantly--a better cook!

There are a few key differences though, from my biological parents. 
(1)  I can drop some choice words [when necessary] without having my mouth washed out with soap.
(2)  We have girl talk with a level of openness that could ruin a daughter's perception of her mother and vice versa.
(3)  We go through wine unashamedly.

So when asked if living here is like the restraint of living with parents post-adolescence, I quickly retort, and the questioner eagerly decides that they want in.  I spend as much time as I can with my roomies, feasting on life-lessons and enjoying witty banter, heart-to-hearts, and social commentary.  There's a lot to be said for living drama-free, and that is only guaranteed if there's no chance of friend/boyfriend/job/school infringement, as insured by our adequate age gap.  I can't imagine a better place for transitioning into adulthood.


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