February 19, 2011

The Roommate That Never Sleeps

That's me.  I sleep, but only when half of the world is already awake, and this fascinates the dorm--especially Anna (see the igloo).  You see, NY nightcrawlers don't make it out until about 11:30pm, so I have properly adjusted my sleeping schedule.  Last night was one of the most unfortunate of my late-night experiences.

Heading out at 11:45pm, Ruby reminded me to grab my keys as I rushed out the door.  Good thing! I thought, it sure would stink to be locked out with no doorman!

I met my friend from college out in Murray Hill for a couple drinks, but my presumed 1 hour excursion too-quickly turned into 4.  Hating myself on the train ride back to the Upper West, I double-checked my purse to see that I had my essentials--smartphone, ipod, keys.  Yep, all there.  Except the keys I had were for my home in Tennessee.  Being post-2am, I knew doorman would be off-duty and entrance to my apartment building would be locked.  I started to panic and texted/called everyone I knew who might possibly allow me to crash their couch for the night.  I considered a hotel on the corner and a hostel uptown.  Nothing.  I got into my apartment's foyer and knocked like crazy, no longer caring who would be awakened.  Nothing.  I turned on my phone to call Anna's cell only to have it flash the dead battery sign and shut itself off.  I slumped down in the corner in my dress, heels, and sweater, turned High School Musical on my iPod, and proceeded to nap until the next doorman would arrive for his shift (6am--it was only 4:15am at this point).  

Around 5am, I was startled by both the front and foyer doors opening and I begged to be let inside.  Looking like a hungover homeless wild child (though I was NONE of these things), he questioned if I even lived here and reluctantly opened the door.  I rang the doorbell to the dorm for about 2 minutes before Anna sleepily staggered to the locked door and graciously welcomed me home, no questions asked, and even relating a quick statement that she had been locked out before.  The city is scary when you have no keys, no phone, and no daylight.  This will be a last for me.


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